Traditional Art Entrepreneurship Summit 2017, New Delhi

This is Pan-India Summit for Artisan Sector, organized by MITHILAsmita in collaboration with NDIM, New Delhi and ZUYD University, Netherlands on 14th of Jan, 2017 at NDIM Campus, New Delhi.

The event aims at strengthening the artisan sector in India by bringing various stakeholders on the same platform.
TAES Summit is a great platform to know about all the opportunities in the artisan sector- funding, networking, marketing, collaborating, exhibiting and much much! 

On this day, we have invited dignitaries from the Indian Government, Foreign Ambassadors, Indian crafts bodies, Funding organisations, Impact Investors, Business Incubators, Social Entrepreneurs, Business Schools, Art Entrepreneurs and Master Artists as part of various panels, activities and exhibition.
TAES2017 Schedule:
Follow MITHILAsmita Facebook page for more info!
Participation ticketsRs 550 till 5th Jan, 2016 ( Rs 650 post 5th Jan)
Exhibition booth tickets: Rs 1000 ( Till 8th Jan, 2016 Limited booths available. FCFS !!)
Scholarships & Fee Waiver:
For Organizations less than INR 15 lakhs annual turnover, partial/complete fees can be waived off after a review by the committee.
For limited organizations, we also provide travel assistance. (As a proof, we might ask for your annual returns document.)
Application Form:
  • Please fill up the above form before 8th Jan, 2016 for Summit participation
  • Kindly fill up the above form before 22nd Dec, 2016 for scholarship requests!

Limited seats…Register Now to block yours!!